Moonsaia > Mentions Légales



Use of the website and the services is offered to the User, subject to their acceptance of the General terms and conditions.

Therefore, prior to any use of the website and placing an order, the User acknowledges having read these General Terms and Conditions, and expressly declares to accept them in their entirety, without any restriction before any purchase.

MOONSAIA reserves the right to modify or adapt its Terms and General Conditions of Services each year on January 1, which will henceforth be those in force, which the user acknowledges and accepts. It is the User's responsibility to consult the current update.



The purpose of the Website is to offer the online distribution of courses, of different durations and levels carried out by qualified teachers.

The courses offered on the Website are accessible at any time by any User who has taken out a Subscription, subject to technical unavailability beyond the control of MOONSAIA.

The duration of the lessons varies from 5 to 60 minutes, the objective is to get the User to correctly perform the exercises of the method practiced. This is why, even if the User has already practiced this method, MOONSAIA recommends starting learning with targeted videos and evolving as it progresses according to the course levels offered.

MOONSAIA décline toute responsabilité en cas de blessure ou accident survenu chez l’utilisateur qui est l’unique responsable de sa pratique. La pratique du yoga n’est pas une compétition et il est très important d’écouter son corps, de ne pas pousser ses limites afin d’éviter les accidents et/ ou blessures. 

These videos are not a substitute for practice with a certified Yoga or Pilates teacher. Before you start, focus particularly on your sensations, during the practice, no feeling of discomfort or pain should appear. Otherwise, you have gone too far, the proposed practice is too advanced, or the way to perform it is not correct.

MOONSAIA reserves the right to delete, modify, add or update the courses and this in a constant search to improve the quality of the videos posted on the Site.



MOONSAIA, offering its Services remotely, is not able to assess the physical or mental capacities of Users using the Services, nor to check the information transmitted by them when registering.

MOONSAIA strongly recommends that the User consult his doctor in order to obtain his approval of fitness for the practice of gymnastics.

L’Utilisateur reconnaît expressément en avoir été informé préalablement à la consommation des Services. Toutes informations, conseils et/ou résultats autres ne prétendent en aucun cas constituer ou remplacer un avis médical.  MOONSAIA ne garantit en aucun cas un résultat médical ou sportif.

MOONSAIA disclaims all liability in the event of accidents, injuries or damage of any kind that may result from the practice by Users of the exercises presented in the video-on-demand sessions broadcast on the Site.

Compliance with safety instructions is the sole responsibility of the User concerned.

MOONSAIA can in no way be held responsible for an accident to one of its Members during one of the exercise sessions. The User, before practicing the recommended exercises, undertakes to have a medical opinion of no contraindication allowing him to practice these exercises.

MOONSAIA will not be liable for direct or indirect damage suffered by the User when the Member's behavior is at the origin or has contributed to the damage he claims to suffer. By way of illustration, MOONSAIA will not be liable for direct or indirect damage suffered by the User as a result of the non-execution or improper execution of these Terms of Use by the User. If you are pregnant you must have the consent of your doctor before any prenatal yoga practice, especially online sessions - you can practice but following the advice of your doctor and our teachers, and you should not do deep twists, inversion postures, any tummy tuck postures or postures where you feel bad. Get out of a pose immediately if you are not feeling well. Avoid practicing the first three months of your pregnancy if you do not master the basics of prenatal yoga.

Since the Services are linked to the purchase of Paid Services, they are exclusively reserved for persons legally capable of entering into contracts. In particular, they are prohibited for minors under the age of 18.



Obligation de confidentialité : L’utilisateur s’engage à ne pas communiquer à un tiers les informations obtenues dans le cadre de l’utilisation du Site.

Comportements prohibés : sont strictement interdits, sous peine de poursuites judiciaires tous comportements de nature à interrompre, suspendre, ralentir et empêcher la continuité des Services,  toutes intrusions ou tentatives d’intrusions dans les systèmes du Site, tous détournements des ressources système du Site, toutes actions de nature à imposer une charge disproportionnée sur les infrastructures de ce dernier, toutes atteintes aux mesures de sécurité, d’authentification et d’identification telles que les fausses déclarations et tous actes de nature à porter atteinte aux droits et intérêts financiers, commerciaux et moraux de l’exploitant du Site ou des Utilisateurs des Services.

In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of this paragraph or more generally, of breaches of the laws and regulations of any country, MOONSAIA reserves the right to suspend the Use of the Site and the Services by the User at any time, and without notice.



The User acknowledges that all equipment (computer, software, cables, etc.), connection costs or others are his sole responsibility.

The User must have the skills, materials and software required for the use of the Internet, or, where applicable, Internet Services and recognizes that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions over the Internet.

To use the Services, the User must have the equipment and settings necessary for the proper functioning of the internet and the MOONSAIA website.

Pour s’inscrire, l’Utilisateur doit compléter les champs requis dans le formulaire. L’inscription validée, l’Utilisateur dispose alors d’un identifiant – login (choisi par l’Utilisateur) et d’un mot de passe qui lui permettent d’accéder à tout moment à son espace personnel appelé « Mon MOONSAIA. ».

Certain fields are mandatory and must be completed to be eligible for MOONSAIA Services.

Pour bénéficier de l’accès aux vidéos, l’Utilisateur doit souscrire à un programme et accepter de recevoir les e-mails de MOONSAIA via la petite case pré cochée. Toute procédure d’inscription ou d’abonnement fera l’objet d’une confirmation par mail, à l’adresse donnée par l’Utilisateur lors de son inscription.



MOONSAIA informs the User that all prices mentioned on the Site are inclusive of VAT (all taxes included).

Subscription to the programs allows you to subscribe yourself or to subscribe to a third party for an unlimited period of time. Payment for this subscription will be made in one go, when subscribing.

The user receives his videos every day and has an access - My MOONSAIA - in which he can find the entire program.



MOONSAIA  ne garantit pas que les Services soient utilisables si l’Utilisateur abonné utilise un utilitaire de « pop-up killer » ; dans ce cas et si besoin, cette fonction devra être désactivée préalablement à l’utilisation du Services. MOONSAIA ne garantit pas que les Services soient utilisables si le fournisseur d’accès Internet de l’utilisateur se montre défaillant dans l’accomplissement de sa propre prestation.



The Site includes hypertext links or other references made to other sites. Insofar as MOONSAIA cannot control these sites, MOONSAIA declines all responsibility for their content, products, Services or any other available element.

MOONSAIA is released from its contractual obligations in the event of the occurrence of an event of force majeure, or any fact attributable to a third party, or any other circumstance having an external cause and / or independent of the personal fact of MOONSAIA, directly preventing it or indirectly to normally perform its contractual obligations.

Cases of force majeure will include, in particular, in addition to cases recognized by case law, all natural disasters, all acts of war, breaches of public order, epidemics, fires, floods and other disasters, all government acts, all strikes under any circumstances. form whatsoever (internal, external, lock-out…), and any dysfunction of the Internet or networks. In the event that a case of force majeure prevents, delays or affects the performance of an obligation, any delay or failure to perform its obligations cannot give rise to damages.

MOONSAIA can in no way be held responsible for technical problems limiting access to the Services or for damage caused to the User's material or equipment. Limitation of Liability for Applicable Law.

The informations provided by MOONSAIA on the Site complies with the French legislation in force. MOONSAIA cannot be held liable in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of another country from which the Site and the Services are used.



The brands (in particular MOONSAIA), logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts contained on the MOONSAIA site and in the MOONSAIA Service are the intellectual property of MOONSAIA or its partners and may not be reproduced, used or represented without the express authorization of MOONSAIA or its partners, under penalty of legal proceedings.

L’usage de ces éléments de propriété intellectuelle par l’Utilisateur est strictement réservé à un usage privé et personnel dans le cadre et pour la durée de l’adhésion à un programme MOONSAIA. Toute autre utilisation par l’Utilisateur est interdite sans l’autorisation de MOONSAIA. L’Utilisateur s’interdit notamment de modifier, copier, reproduire, télécharger, diffuser, transmettre, exploiter commercialement et/ou distribuer et/ou utiliser de quelque façon que ce soit les vidéos des disciplines, les pages du site MOONSAIA, ou les codes informatiques des éléments composant les Services et le site MOONSAIA.  

La structure générale du Site, ainsi que les textes, images animées ou non, sons, savoir-faire et tout autre élément composant les pages du Site autres sont la propriété exclusive de MOONSAIA. Toute représentation ou modification totale ou partielle de ce Site ou d’un ou plusieurs des éléments cités au paragraphe précédent, par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans l’autorisation expresse écrite de MOONSAIA est interdite et constituerait une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles L.335-2 et suivants du Code de la propriété intellectuelle.

The hypertext links set up within the framework of the Site to other resources present on the Internet and, in particular, to its partners, have been the subject of prior, express and written authorization. Users and visitors to the Site may not set up a hyperlink to these Sites without the express prior authorization of MOONSAIA.



MOONSAIA strives to make the MOONSAIA.COM Site accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, MOONSAIA cannot be held responsible for the consequences of technical incidents that may lead to an interruption of the Site as well as any loss of data.

In addition, for the proper functioning of the Services and the Site, MOONSAIA reserves the right to interrupt access to it, in order to carry out maintenance, updates, improvements and / or tests.

MOONSAIA will make every effort to carry out these operations for the shortest possible times and outside of peak hours. The responsibility of MOONSAIA can in no case be sought for this fact.

MOONSAIA reserves the right, for the good purposes of using the Website and its Services, to place cookies on Users' computers. Cookies are small pieces of information that a website can send to the hard drive of a personal computer to facilitate their access to the Site. The servers of the Site and the Services provided by MOONSAIA are temporary cookies. The User may oppose the registration of cookies by configuring his browser according to the information provided on the site of his browser (SAFARI, INTERNET EXPLORER, CHROME and MOZILLA FIREFOX).

The User expressly acknowledges that his opposition to the registration of cookies will not allow him to benefit from all the functionalities of the Site and the Services.

MOONSAIA n’intervient pas en qualité de fournisseur d’accès à Internet. A ce titre, elle ne peut garantir ni la qualité de la connexion Internet, ni l’absence d’interruptions propres au réseau. L’Utilisateur déclare être informé des difficultés inhérentes à l’utilisation d’internet du fait notamment de la perturbation des réseaux, et des débits très variables qui peuvent provoquer des échecs ou des incidents dans l’accès au Site et aux Services.

MOONSAIA does not guarantee that the Site will be free from anomalies, errors or bugs, or that these can be corrected, or that the Site will operate without interruption or breakdown, or that it is compatible with a material or a particular configuration other than that expressly validated by MOONSAIA.

MOONSAIA n’est en aucun cas responsable de dysfonctionnements imputables à des logiciels de tiers que ceux-ci soient ou non incorporés dans le Site ou fournis avec celui-ci. En aucun cas, MOONSAIA n’est responsable de tout type de dommage prévisible ou imprévisible (incluant la perte de profits ou d’opportunité) découlant de l’utilisation ou de l’impossibilité totale ou partielle d’utiliser le Site. L’Utilisateur déclare connaître les caractéristiques et les limites de l’Internet, en particulier ses performances techniques, les temps de réponse pour consulter, interroger ou transférer des données et les risques liés à la sécurité des communications. Pour toutes ces situations, la responsabilité de MOONSAIA ne pourra en aucun cas être recherchée.



Any complaint, additional information request or notification provided for in these General Terms and Conditions must be sent by email to the following email address:



These Terms of Use are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law, the language of interpretation being the French language in the event of a dispute over the meaning of a term or a provision of these Terms of Use.
